Please note: The INFOCENTER and USER MANUAL of the RAUMSONDE is currently under construction and will be gradually and continuously supplemented and expanded.
- What is RAUMSONDE? Introduction to the Raumsonde
- Getting started How do I use the Raumsonde?
- Disclaimer
User Manual
- Space Map Tips for using the interactive map
- Application Assistent Instructions for the filling in and use of the Application Assistant
- Site Plan Tips for drawing a site plan
- Log-in and User Account Area Instructions for setting up an account
Technical Guides
- A. Permits and approvals What do I have to consider when applying for permits?
- B. The special use permit Tips and information on the case of special use
- C. Noise and immission control How loud can we be and when do we need additional permits?
- D. The Waste Concept What do I do with my waste?
- E. Food and drinks How can and may I serve which drinks?
- F. Hygiene Concept On the consequences of the Covid pandemic and precautionary measures
- G. Bonfires and pyrotechnics When it's time to bang, how do I do it?
- H. Approvals for built structures Information about setting up stands, tents and stages